Chosen for the 2005 Red Earth Festival poster, the People Of Red Earth depicts the Southern Cheyenne culture, the legend and legacy that they have preserved and practiced. The woman pointing on the right with the lightening coming from her finger is a combination of the Lightening Society and the Holy Women that pray for the people. It is the belief that women’s prayers are stronger than mans. The circle in the palm of her hand reflects the circle of life. The man with the black war bonnet is a Dog Soldier, one of the warrior societies of the Cheyenne people. The man painted yellow with the hail marking on his body is a chief or spiritual person that cares for the people. He is wearing the war bonnet of one of the past great warriors and protector of the Cheyenne people, Roman Nose. His bonnet had a single horn coming out of the front. The person in red is a special person that sees the future and is a predictor. The man on the left in green is the keeper of the past, the stories and traditions. The man dancing in front with the buffalo cap and cape with the bear necklace is the provider of food and keeper of ceremonies. The man beating on the hide is calling up the ancestors to watch us and make sure we do things in a good and honorable way. The buffalo skull is to remind us that we must protect the future and not let happen when the buffalo and our way of life almost left us.
24×36 giclee print.